3DS Max 2020.1 Available

Autodesk has revealed 3DS Max 2020.1 which brings the ability to tear off viewports, a new hotkey editor, chamfer modifier improvements, and more.

Autodesk has revealed 3DS Max 2020.1 which brings the ability to tear off viewports, a new hotkey editor, chamfer modifier improvements, and more. Tear-off viewports let users float up to 3 viewport windows across multiple monitors, each being fully functional with its own configuration settings.

There is a new hotkey editor for users to view and change keyboard shortcuts, save and load custom hotkey sets. You can search for actions by either keyword or current hotkey assignment, filter actions by current customization status and by a group.

The team has also upgraded the Chamfer modifier adding a new By Weight chamfer amount type to apply an absolute weight to an edge. You can set it on a per-edge basis and a Radius Bias parameter blends the chamfer size to the radius amount to help handle sharp corners. What is more, Edge Weight and Edge Depth are now available as inputs and outputs in the Data Channel modifier.

There’s more, of course. Autocomplete is now on by default in the MAXScript editor and the MAXScript API lets enable autocomplete for MAXScript in 3rd party editors. The team also noted that performance-wise the Command panel is at least 70% faster with switching between sub-object modes in Edit Poly editing.

Check out the Autodesk Blog and documentation for more details.

Published 13 June 2019
Arti Sergeev
Business Head