Accelerating Frame Rates with Scene Optimizer

The Procedural Worlds team has recently updated its custom tool that helps deliver better frame rates. Let's have a look at Scene Optimizer Version 1.0.9. 

The team has created the scene optimizer while working on the VR and Mobile optimization for one of the clients. They've automatized several techniques to ease the delivery of better framerates for game developers. The creators mention that the best improvements will be gained on scenes with a large number of game objects, as it's typically the case where developers use low poly or modular assets. The toolset takes a hybrid approach to optimization as one approach rarely fits all scenarios. For optimizing the scene, the developer will need to drop the object tree into Scene Optimizer and specify the combination of techniques. Optimizer will execute the configuration and automate the optimization of the scene. Also, in the tool, you'll find a frame comparison system that shows the difference between original and optimized scenes. It will allow reviewing all the scenarios and choosing the one that fits better. 

The tool uses a combination of size, spatial partitioning, and mesh combination to create intelligent objects that significantly reduce draw calls and shadow generation. It also aids the process of culling. It can cut large meshes into smaller meshes and change indexing to 32-bit if requested to make them perform better on mobile and VR devices. Scene Optimizer automates the generation of meshes on different layers and provides a system to easily control shadows and draw distances based on the size of the original objects.

The latest update adds the ability to filter objects by type (All/Static Only/Dynamic Only) and source meshes by multiple layers. Also, all the unoptimized assets merge into a separate section instead of being ignored. The team fixed the number of issues and bags and enhanced the internal and external documentation to facilitate the onboarding process for developers. 

Published 27 July 2022
Amelia Miller