AgileGAN: A New Tool for Creating Stylized Portraits

Become an anime character, a cartoon character, or even a classical painting with this new tool.

Guoxian Song, Linjie Luo, Jing Liu, Wan-Chun Ma, Chunpong Lai, Chuanxia Zheng, and Tat-Jen Cham from Nanyang Technological University and ByteDance have revealed a great new tool that can create stylized portraits by inversion-consistent transfer learning – AgileGAN. This tool allows you to upload your photo, preferably with a neutral expression, and get a stylized portrait of yourself like in the examples below.

"We introduce a novel hierarchical variational autoencoder to ensure the inverse mapped distribution conforms to the original latent Gaussian distribution while augmenting the original space to a multi-resolution latent space so as to better encode different levels of detail," states the team. "To better capture attribute-dependent stylization of facial features, we also present an attribute-aware generator and adopt an early stopping strategy to avoid overfitting small training datasets."

You can try this tool and become an anime character or a classical painting by clicking this link. And don't forget to join our new Telegram channel, our Discord, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

Published 08 June 2021
Theodore McKenzie
Head of Content