Building Procedural Island in Houdini

Luka Lescuyer showed her new work, giving some details on the production process.

Luka Lescuyer showed her new procedural island built with Houdini and and Substance Designer. The artist uploaded a video on Vimeo with some details on the production process that might be of interest for you. 

This is one of my first finished Houdini projects.

I wanted to create an island generated procedurally. First, I made a blockout in Houdini with all the type of assets I needed and their placement in comparision to each others .

Then I began creating the house platform, walls, stairs, and railings and then placed it on the island. I added all kind of details around to give it more life (rocks, palmtrees, plants…).

When the blockout was finished I replaced all the boxes by real 3d assets, exported it in Unity and created various shaders to give it a cartoony look, especially for the water.

I also needed to create in Houdini special meshes for fx : the ones around the poles and island, and the caustics.

I made all the textures in Substance Designer.

 Luka Lescuyer 


Published 04 July 2017
Arti Sergeev
Business Head