Fast PBR Materials for Maya

Stavros Craven has recently presented a cool new script for Maya called Fast PBR Materials.

Stavros Craven has recently presented a cool new script for Maya called Fast PBR Materials. It is a tool that allows users to easily create, customize, save and browse materials. The thing also works great with Megascans. 


  • Creates the following standard materials: RedshiftMaterial, aiStandardSurface, VRayMtl
  • Creates the following blend materials: RedshiftMaterialBlender, aiMixShader, VRayBlendMtl
  • Allows the user to choose what maps to add, or remove on the fly. The user can also choose instead of browsing for textures to add the standard noise, ramp,  VRay dirt etc.
  • Choosing a directory is all it takes to create the whole material, provided only that the files follow a pretty regular name convention. See the FastMatIndex.txt for more details as to what names your files should have in order to load properly. You can also, edit that and add your own naming conventions if you like, although it already covers a large variety of names for each map. 
  • When it comes to displacement maps, the script will prioritize EXR files. If it doesn’t find an EXR it will load the next thing that exists.
  • For gloss and roughness maps, the script will try to find the corresponding file(i.e., gloss for VRay, roughness for Redshift etc.) If the gloss map does not exist for VRay, it will load the roughness and invert it, etc.
  • If you choose to add another map, later on, all you have to do for the new texture to load, is to hit the refresh button.
  • If you have multiple files in one folder, you can choose to browse by file, and the script will do its best to load all the files with the same name.
  • Recover the material attributes if you accidentally close the UI, or simply decide to come to it later, and continue working on where you left.
  • Instead of dragging and dropping materials in the blend material slot, now you have a list of all the materials in the scene to simply choose from.
  • After you create a material, you can now save it in the library, and load it back whenever you want. The material you save does not need to have been created with the script.
  • Rename your material, using the renaming tool. That will allow you to rename all the maps created with the script, for full compatibility.
  • Copy, transfer the textures associated with the current material to a new path, and apply the new path if you want, with the Transfer Texture Files tool.
  • Adjust the window height for better visibility especially if you are using the Library.
  • Works great out of the box with textures from Megascans, and Substance maps.

Stavros Craven

You can get more details here

Get the script for $30

Published 05 August 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head