First Batch of Unity at GDC Sessions Announced

Unity will announce more sessions each Thursday at 10 a.m.PST.

Unity remains dedicated to democratizing game development and is giving developers with or without a GDC badge the opportunity to experience Unity’s new technologies across more than 100 sessions. “Unity Central,” located at Unity’s San Francisco office, is a pivotal part of Unity at GDC, and serves as the destination where thousands of artists and developers can meet with innovators, attend sessions and interact with the latest Made with Unity creations. Registration for Unity at GDC’s “Unity Central” begins on March 1. Attendees can sign up for updates now here

Today’s announcement lineup features Democratizing Data-Oriented Design: A Movement Powered by Unity’s Entity Component System, a workshop led by Unity Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Joachim Ante, that will introduce the principles behind Unity’s evolution from a GameObject engine to an entity component system focused on transforming high-level C# code to efficient machine code.

  • Unveiling Unity’s 2018 Roadmap (Tuesday, March 20): Get insight into Unity’s future plans, knowing what to expect regarding new features and functionality for the coming year. VP of Product Andrew Bowell will take attendees through Unity’s roadmap for future features and enhancements in 2018
  • Ask the Experts: Lightweight Scriptable Render Pipeline (Wednesday, March 21): Join Made with Unity Producer Mike Wuethrick and check out the crazy power that the Lightweight Scriptable Render Pipeline provides for mobile games and virtual reality
  • Unity Machine Learning: Machine Learning Agents 0.3 (Thursday, March 22): In this talk, Danny Lange will share his thoughts on the most exciting advances that AI will bring over the next 12 months, including Unity’s new features (Imitation Learning and Multi-agent Reinforcement Learnings) from the latest ML-Agents release. Unity has produced Machine Learning Agents, an open source AI toolkit and training environment for Machine Learning practitioners, game developers and researchers to train agents in realistic, complex scenarios with decreased technical barriers. Danny rolled out company-wide AI platforms at Uber and Amazon; now through Unity Technologies he is making AI available to the rest of us
  • ARCore 101: Hands on with ARCore (Monday, March 19): Learn how to start building mobile AR experiences in ARCore with Unity. Attend this workshop to receive a step-by-step guide for building an ARCore game based on Google’s Codelab. Users will have the opportunity to use ARCore-ready devices for this session, but will need to bring their own laptop with Unity 2017.3 installed
  • Democratizing Data-Oriented Design: A Movement Powered by Unity’s Entity Component System (Friday, March 23):
    • Data-Oriented Design Principles (Joachim Ante): Joachim will kick off the one-day session by introducing the principles behind Unity’s evolution from a GameObject engine to an entity component system focused on transforming high-level C# code to efficient machine code
    • From C# to Machine Code (Andreas Fredriksson): Andreas will present an overview of Unity’s performance initiatives and will share a deeper look at the technology the company has developed to transform high-level C# code to efficient machine code. The talk will explore examples and look at traditional C++ engine code and compiler output to compare and contrast with approach
    • A Data-Oriented Approach to Using Component Systems (Mike Acton): Mike will explore common examples in games (e.g. spatial queries, logic updates, large hierarchical transformations, both static and dynamic) that focus on the data layout to demonstrate best practices for the component design to achieve a high degree of parallelism, minimum synchronization, and high performance
    • Job System & Entity Component System (Tim Johansson): Get up-to-speed with the latest developments on Entity Component System and the C# Job system. Tim will provide attendees with an overview of what Unity delivered for the 2018.1 release, and walk attendees through the latest samples and elaborate on the direction ahead

More “Unity Central” session details will be made available on Thursday, March 1. To learn more about Unity at GDC, please visit this page. If you are a member of the media and interested in speaking with Unity at GDC or are interested in receiving an invitation to the invite-only keynote, please email

Published 22 February 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head