Fortnite's Battle Royale Mode Was Born In An Uber Ride

The design document was prepared in the back of that Uber in "like, three hours."

What do you usually do when taking an Uber? Texting friends or simply gazing outside without a care in the world? For some, it could be a ride that impacts a game or even the entire industry.

Donald Mustard, the former Chief Creative Officer of Fortnite, revealed to Gamefile (via Kotaku) that the inspiration for the game's iconic Battle Royale mode came about during an Uber ride in 2017. 

During the Uber ride with colleagues Tim Sweeney, Paul Meegan, and Kim Libreri, Mustard and his team decided to pivot Fortnite's focus towards creating their own Battle Royale mode. 

“The four of us were in the back of an Uber in California, headed to a meeting at Disney…We were already toying with this [idea that] we need to do a battle royale. We should do this. And what if we did it in Fortnite?”

A passing school bus during that ride even sparked the idea for the symbolic Battle Bus in Fortnite, a unique feature where players start the game by parachuting from a bus floating in the sky.

“A school bus is going by us in traffic, and I’m like: Players are going to be on a bus in the sky and we’re going to jump out of it."

Despite the impromptu decision, the team only had roughly three hours to produce a design document for the new mode. Mustard began drafting it during the ride itself, laying the foundation for Fortnite's Battle Royale mode.  

As it turns out, the Battle Royale mode not only transformed Fortnite but also had a significant impact on the video game industry. 

You can check the original report from Kotaku here and don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on InstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

Published 24 April 2024
Rita Hou
Junior Editor