Free Interactive Tools for Blender from Maxi Vazquez

Maxi Vazquez has invented a collection of tools for Blender 2.8 to improve your productivity and workflow.

This is a collection of intuitive, context-sensitive tools that improved Maxi’s productivity as well as workflow. They are designed to be used as hotkeys, removing the amount of interaction with the menus and allowing for a less interrupted modeling experience.

As this is only the first release, please report bugs so they could be fixed. The artist claims that future releases will improve functionality as well as improve stability.

Here’s a quick showcase of the tools you’re going to see in the pack:

Super Smart Create

Execute 10 different geometry creation tools with a single hotkey based on selection and context.

Quick Pivot edition with gizmo transform. 

Pivot is applied if the gizmo is selected and the tool is run again.

Quick FFD from selection

FFD is automatically applied if the FFD is selected and the tool is run again.

Quick Radial Symmetry

Change axis and amount of iterations with mouse movement.

The settings can be edited if the object is selected and the tool is run again.

Change the number of sides of an existing cylindrical object dynamically.

The settings can be edited if the object is selected and the tool is run again.

Smart ring selection

If one edge is selected a ring will be selected.

If two edges are selected, the ring between them is selected.

If three edges with equal distance to each other are selected, a step selection will be made.

Smart loop selection

If one edge is selected a loop will be selected.

If two edges are selected, the loop between them is selected.

If three edges with equal distance to each other are selected, a step selection will be made.

Smart Extrude with similar behavior like 3Ds Max shift + drag.

The direction of the movement is calculated based on mouse input.

Smart Translate

A tool to quickly move objects around, it tries to predict the axis of the movement based on mouse movement.

It’s pretty simple and only works when assigned to the middle mouse button, this will be updated soon.

Quick pivot from selection

For more tools and precise explanation of every tool please click here, and to download the tools pack — here.

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Published 10 June 2019