Getting to Know Blender Eevee

Jayanam gives a look at the Blender Eevee realtime rendering engine and PBR texturing with the metallic material output.

In this Blender tutorial jayanam shows the new Realtime Rendering Engine called Eevee, which is currently under development and can be downloaded from the Blender daily build section called Bleeding Edge.

For demonstration of the Metallic Material Output node for the Physically Based Rendering (PBR) capabilities of Eevee he uses a Ferrari tire model made by Maxence Leret d’Aubigny that is available on his Sketchfab account. The tire has 5 submodels with textures for basecolor, metallic, roughness, normal and ambient occlusion maps.

The author switches from Blender Render Engine to the Eevee Engine and opens a Node Editor in which he adds the Metallic Material Output node, the Image Texture nodes for the appropriate textures and a Texture Coordinates node for the uv-mapping of the unwrapped model.

After assigning the textures to the nodes, the realtime rendering can be seen in the Blender’s viewport.

Then he also demonstrates how the light affects the model’s appearance directly when he moves around a pointlight in the viewport. Eevee has at the current development stage a couple of post-processing effects implemented, jayanam shows the Bloom effect with different intensities and positions of the point light.

The author has the opinion that the development of the Eevee Realtime Rendering Engine is a big step into the right direction Blender did, with supporting physically based reddering standards and high-end graphics with a responsive realtime rendering in the viewport.

Published 13 June 2017
Arti Sergeev
Business Head