Houdini: Procedural World Generation of Far Cry 5

The Go Procedural channel on Vimeo has recently shared a recording of a talk by procedural technical artist Étienne Carrier from Houdini HIVE Utrecht 2018.

The Go Procedural channel on Vimeo has recently shared a recording of a talk by procedural technical artist Étienne Carrier from Houdini HIVE Utrecht 2018 on the enormous world of Far Cry 5. How did the team manage to build a natural-looking game of such a size? In fact, the artists have used a number of procedural tools to generate biomes, texture the terrain, set up cliffs, and more.  

How do you create 100 square km of wilderness with a terrain changing every day? One of the challenges with a modern open world is its sheer size. Not every square meter of the world will receive the attention of a level artist or a level designer. Yet while filling empty space is easy, creating natural-looking environments is a bigger challenge.

Ubisoft’s solution on ‘Far Cry 5’ was to develop a set of procedural tools to generate biomes, texture the terrain, set up freshwater networks, generate cliff rocks and more. Procedural technical artist Étienne Carrier walks you through how they tackled this challenge.

Go Procedural 

Make sure to share your thoughts on the Ubisoft’s approach to setting up huge worlds. 

Published 29 June 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head