How to make a 3D Shooter with UE4?

The best series of tutorials that will help you to build a shooter game from scratch in a number of steps.

An anonymous professional game developer (10 years of experience, 50 games shipped) is currently running an amazing website, which documents his efforts in the development of an indie FPS. This amazing guy is doing everything: design, gameplay design, level design, programming, lighting, meshing, sound design, ui design, bizdev. The whole project is being developed with the help of Unreal Engine 4 and the author is documenting his every step in super detailed tutorials.

There’s a huge amount of various tutorials. Here are the link to some of them:

1. Configuring new project. UE4 main classes explanation.

2. First person look around controls – mouse touch tilt

3. Add FPP arms and TPP mesh to your Character

4. How to create Inventory

5. How to add weapons – basics + equipping

6. Weapons – shooting and reloading functionalities

7. FX: Create ammo shell particle from mesh

8. How to fire a weapon / create ammo data / impact effects

9. How to add spread and dynamic crosshair to weapon

10. How to do damage – advanced

There are over 30 tutorials available with amazing details, scripts, adjustments, examples and video-illustrations. So far, this is one of the best collections of UE4 tutorials for developers, who want to develop awesome first person shooters. Sometimes the owner of the website also published short blogposts about indie market and game development in general.

This website is a real treat for any game developers, especially beginners with Unreal Engine 4. It gives a lot of amazing content and provides an opportunity to become a part of the on-going development of one ambitious project.


Published 11 September 2015
Kirill Tokarev