Megascans Desert Pack for UE4

Quixel has just released a high-quality collection of surfaces and assets including sand, soil, gravel, stones, boulders, rock formations, stumps, and branches.

Quixel has just released a high-quality collection of surfaces and assets including sand, soil, gravel, stones, boulders, rock formations, stumps, and branches created from real-world scan data on Unreal Marketplace. This is everything you need to generate a harsh and unforgiving desert landscape. The assets, surfaces, and atlases presented in the pack are ready to scatter, paint, landscape, or manually place for complete control. You will also get multiple LODs for each 3D asset.

All textures are provided in 4096×4096 resolution and include:

  • Albedo
  • Roughness
  • Opacity
  • Normal
  • Translucency

Physically Based Rendering (PBR): Yes

LOD: Yes

Collision: Yes

Texture size: Up to 4K

Number of Meshes: 31

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 10 Materials, 33 Instances

Number of Textures: 122

Documentation: No

Get the pack

Published 09 May 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head