Mike Hill: The Power of Metaphor Talk

Amazing analysis of the psychological principles embedded in Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight and the mythological aspects of Batman and The Joker.

Mike Hill, the famous designer, who worked on Blade Runner 2049, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Horizon Zero Dawn, visited CAMP Festival 2018 and gave a fantastic talk on metaphors in stories. It’s a great analysis of the famous The Dark Knight and how the ancient myths arise in the DC heroes.

It’s a pretty long talk, but it’s incredibly fascinating. It’s super interesting and incredibly valuable for designers. It shows the structure, the ancient ideas behind every story, which you can utilize in your own work.

Plus Mike is just a joy to listen to. His presentations are always a blast. And it features a Cookie Monster.

Published 09 November 2018
Kirill Tokarev