NVIDIA Made a Mod for Fallout 4

‘Vault 1080’ Fallout 4 Mod is packed with some heavy nextgGen GameWorks tech, including some gorgeous lighting tech.

‘Vault 1080’ Fallout 4 Mod is packed with some heavy nextgGen GameWorks tech, including some gorgeous lighting tech.

Here’s the official press-release:

Vault 1080 is an official NVIDIA mod, and as such packs a serious technological punch. Volumetric lighting features extensively – in ways not seen in the standard game – while shadows are more realistic and velvety than ever. This is thanks to HBAO+ and its control of ambient occlusion, which creates authentic depths anywhere a light source is blocked, no matter how small or fleeting.

You’ll also see those lovely godrays whenever you do find the sun, plus weapon debris and new meshes and materials.

But this is not just about looks. Vault 1080 uses its terrifyingly realistic light and shadow as the core of its experience. It’s a dark and ominous journey before you even head below ground, as you travel to the ruins of a fog-shrouded church through hostile marshland. Once in you find the entrance to Vault 1080 and its dark, intimidating tunnels. Tunnels that are, inevitably, full of twisted dangers.

This is a big mod – equal in size to the other vaults spread across the commonwealth – with its own brand new questline. And it’s a Fallout vault like you’ve never seen before.

Nevermind the questline, but the lighting here looks seriously cool. Seems like you can already download this piece of content and check if your GeForce can handle it.

Published 31 August 2016
Kirill Tokarev