Qualcomm Collaborates With Microsoft to Develop AR Glasses

Qualcomm announced working with Microsoft to produce a custom chip for augmented reality glasses.

Qualcomm announced it is working with Microsoft to develop a custom augmented reality Snapdragon chip for the Microsoft ecosystem. The chip will be integrated with both companies' software.

"We're integrating into that chip platform software from both companies with the Microsoft Mesh platform, and the recently announced Qualcomm Snapdragon Spaces XR development platform. Snapdragon Spaces will be fully integrated into Microsoft Mesh, and this platform will be available for next-generation lightweight glasses," Qualcomm CEO Cristiano Amon said. 

This collaboration means that users will be able to access Microsoft's applications over a virtual space using a number of devices, such as VR headsets, tablets, mobile phones, and PCs. 

The Snapdragon Spaces XR Developer Platform will grant users the ability to use spatial mapping so AR glasses will be able to reconstruct the physical geometry of the environment in 3D. The platform also has interesting features such as positional tracking, image and object recognition, scene understanding, and hand tracking, allowing users to manipulate spaces using hand gestures.

There is no information about the release date yet, but nonetheless, such collaborations bring us a step closer to the metaverse. Check out the Snapdragon Spaces XR Developer Platform and Microsoft Mesh so you don't miss any other exciting metaverse news.

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Published 13 January 2022
Olga Gafarova
Junior Editor