RealFlow for 3DS Max Available

Next Limit from Madrid has released RealFlow for 3DS Max which is a native integration of the popular fluid simulation tool.

Next Limit from Madrid has released RealFlow for 3DS Max which is a native integration of the popular fluid simulation tool compatible with 3ds Max’s native PFlow and World Space modifiers. 

RealFlow for 3DS Max is said to feature most of the Dyverso particles excluding the rigid and elastic solvers and a selection of Daemons. What is more, Hybrido, Caronte, RealWave, and a number of meshing modes are exclusive to the standalone version. 


You only need a few clicks to get RealFlow | Max running. Ready-to-use force daemons, GPU-powered fluids and materials, and a fast OpenVDB mesher make it easy to achieve the perfect simulation.


Liquids are a classic in RealFlow, but RealFlow | 3ds Max also features granulars, viscous and viscoelastic materials. Sand can be washed away by water, cream floats on top of coffee… Your creativity is the limit!


The entire range of fluids and materials is GPU-accelerated. Unleash your ideas with more turnarounds in less time! With CUDA and OpenCL support you can start to take advantage of your powerful graphics card.

Next Limit

A license would cost you €695. You can learn more about the features ion the Next Limit website.

Published 05 December 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head