Rendering A Cinematic Diorama in Toolbag

Zrinko Kozlica has recently written up an article for Marmoset about rendering a cinematic diorama in Toolbag.

Zrinko Kozlica has recently written up an article for Marmoset about rendering a cinematic diorama in Toolbag. In this breakdown, Zrinko covers how he created and rendered his personal project ‘BANG’ using Toolbag’s powerful lighting and rendering features. Here is a preview of the article.

Why Marmoset Toolbag

“Originally, I planned to create the character to learn more about non real-time workflows and pipelines, however, I soon found out that it was better to stick to a platform that I was already familiar with from previous projects. Toolbag has evolved quite a bit (lighting and skin shading areas in particular) and can handle a high amount of polygons, materials, objects and lights whilst staying fairly responsive. This makes iteration fast and easy.”

Lighting Setup

“…After that, I started to add some Child Lights, which is a really nice and easy way to improve the lighting. Simply click an area on the Light Editor and it will create a Child Light in that spot. This allows for fast iterations and enables you to get the most out of your Sky Light, even if it’s just to create subtle effects. The street lights in the scene are created with Emissive materials.”

Setting up the Camera

“…For the hero shot, I chose a Focal Length of 65mm and positioned it fairly low to the ground make the character look more imposing whilst showing a good amount of the environment. Usually, I try to research what focal length is commonly used in photography, since that usually provides me with a good guideline on what focal length to choose. I like to rotate (Shift+RMB) my Sky Light until I’m happy with the way the lighting interacts with the scene. The next step is to dive a bit deeper into the camera setup and finally enable the high quality render settings.”

To learn more about Zrinko’s fantastic piece and his process, check out the rest of the article on Marmoset’s website.

Zrinko Kozlica, 3D Artist

Interview conducted by Marmoset

Published 23 May 2019
Arti Sergeev
Business Head