Rumors of Kingdom Hearts Adaptation Emerge Again

Will Disney finish it this time?

Insider Daniel Richtman shared that Disney is working on a Kingdom Hearts adaptation, although it's unclear whether it is a movie or a TV show.

Now, long-time fans might remember a similar rumor appearing several years ago. Moreover, director and animator Seth Kearsley confirmed he made a pilot of a KH animated series, which never saw the light of day. So yes, Disney has tried to make an adaptation before, but I think now is a better time considering the success of the media based on Mario, Fallout, The Last of Us, League of Legends, and other popular games. Looks like people are ready to immerse themselves in new/old fantasy worlds.

Richtman has also recently said Sonic Frontiers 2 is in development, and the well-known SEGA leaker Midori confirmed the news (which doesn't necessarily mean it's 100% true, but SEGA fans consider Midori seem a reliable source.) They haven't commented on the Kingdom Hearts info, but I'm sure many of us are looking forward to the adaptation anyway.

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Published 24 April 2024
Gloria Levine
Senior Editor