Streamer Beats Elden Ring Using a Single Button & Some Morse Code

You have to recognize Silithur's dedication.

FromSoftware's games are famous for their high levels of difficulty, and Elden Ring is no exception. Even finishing it once with normal controllers meant for gaming is a challenge not many can finish, but that wouldn't be too exciting, would it? 

Streamer Silithur beat the game using a single button and some Morse code. The button was programmed to perform certain actions, like pushing the character to move in a particular direction or attack, when Silithur pressed a combination of dots and dashes. I can only imagine the mental load he had to endure.

To make it work, the streamer had to be extremely calm and avoid getting too excited.

"To do these types of challenges, I have to be in a completely "flat" mental mood, that is, neither downs nor ups," he explained on X/Twitter. Even when he defeats a boss or is close to winning, he doesn't "celebrate" too much and tries not to change his mood. "I have to control myself all the time to not do stupid things, it's a challenge that demands a lot from my mind. It's probably one of the hardest ones I've done."

If you'd like to see people playing games with Morse code, check out Alex Johansson's unusual solution made with Panic's Playdate handheld.

We've seen some creative individuals playing Elden Ring with a guitar, toy controllerdance padgraphics tablet, saxophone, and even brain activity, and now Silithur joins the ranks. We are probably witnessing the decline of such feats in the base game for a while as its DLC Shadow of the Erdtree is coming on June 21, offering new contests to those who have what it takes.

Watch Silithur's victory on Twitch and join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on InstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

Published 17 April 2024
Gloria Levine
Senior Editor