Substance 3D Designer 11.3 Revealed

The update brings particle nodes as a part of the tool’s new procedural modeling graph.

Adobe shared a look at Substance 3D Designer 11.3, the new version of its material creation tool during the latest Substance 3D stream on different tools from the team. 

Among other things, the new version introduces particle nodes as a part of the tool’s new procedural modeling graph meant for new scattering, instancing, and motion graphics-style workflows.

The main focus of the update is new nodes for generating and manipulating particles. The tool will also allow users to generate particles from the surface of existing 3D geometry, plus there is a Generative transform node and more. 

Basically, you will soon be able to create all kinds of procedural geometries with the tool – you can create a roof, then make holes, add even ornaments, and more. 

Make sure to watch the full presentation with more details on Substance 3D Designer and other updated tools including Substance 3D Painter and Substance 3D Modeler above.

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Published 24 November 2021
Arti Sergeev
Business Head