Tutorials: Creating Fluids Inside 3ds Max

Autodesk team shared a 4-part video tutorial to working with fluids inside 3ds Max.

Autodesk team shared a 4-part video tutorial to working with fluids inside 3ds Max.

In part 1, we cover the basic workflow for creating and rendering a fluid.

In part 2, we look at how to animate a fluid emitter to pour chocolate onto a strawberry.

In part 3, we look at how to create container emitters and how to render basic foam.

In part 4, we cover how to render foam in different ways: (1) as a surface; (2) as a volume. We also look at how to refine the simulation for a high-resolution render.

Make sure to follow Autodesk 3ds Max Learning Channel on YouTube.

Published 17 January 2018
Polina Filyanina