UE4 Build System Inspired by “Cities Skylines”

Satheesh Pv, lead programmer at YetiTech Studios, presented a custom structure spawning system.

Satheesh Pv, lead programmer at YetiTech Studios, is working on a small game inspired by Cities: Skylines in UE4. The artist had to create a custom structure spawning system in C++ to speed up the process.

Check out the magic below:

It is a pure material effect. The developer used a Scalar parameter in material that is changed while the building is being constructed.

Unfortunately, a little is known about the setup here. What are the other options if you need to build a city? You can use this free tutorial coming from 3D and technical artist Oskar Świerad (Tech Art Aid).

It’s a 30 minute journey into the workflow, which allows you to generate realistic buildings in Unreal Engine 4 in seconds. This tutorial covers the main things you need to do in Houdini, how to make everything work with Blueprints in UE4 and ways to make the shaders work. It’s not for newbies, but if you’re interested in exploring the procedural tech (you definitely should be), this is a great place to start. You can find more details on the workflow here

Do you have some other ideas? Please share them with us! 

Published 31 May 2017
Arti Sergeev
Business Head