Unity Asset Store: Nature Rederer

Today we've picked up the asset that improves the quality of the vegetation rendering by replacing Unity's default terrain details system.

Nature Renderer is a newly released tool for Unity, which allows rendering your scenes with your existing data: use the same grass, vegetation, and trees and keep your existing terrains.


  • Physically Based Rendering: The toolset provides accurate lighting and more detail on your grass, vegetation, and terrain details. You can use full PBR shaders on your detail objects.
  • LOD: Level-of-Detail reduces complexity in the distance and increases performance.
  • Shadows: Enabled shadows for grass, plants, and other terrain details.
  • Wind: The included wind shaders provide accurate and lifelike wind for grass, plants, and trees.
  • Align to terrain: The tool aligns your grass and objects to the terrain surface. 
  • Familiar Tools: Inside the platform, you can use standard Unity's default terrain, detail, and tree editing tools. 
  • Live Editing: All changes to your terrain are updated immediately.

The tool comes with Nature Shaders Essentials and includes a collection of essential vegetation shaders that enable Wind Animations, Translucency, Color Variations, and more.

Additional features

  1. Efficient culling of vegetation.
  2. Works with multiple terrains.
  3. Minimal GC Allocations and stable consistent performance.
  4. Works with multiple cameras.
  5. Floating Origin support for large worlds.
  6. All data is compressed for optimal memory usage.
  7. Easily disable rendering when a player is indoors or can't see the terrain.

The tool is compatible with GaiaMap MagicMicroSplatCTSTerrain ComposerMegaSplatMegascansThe Vegetation EngineAmplify Shader Editor.

Published 15 January 2022
Angelika Ulianova
Account manager