Webinar: Simulation of Pyro in Houdini

The Go Procedural channel on Vimeo shared a new webinar that focuses on the simulation of pyro in Houdini.

The Go Procedural channel on Vimeo shared a new webinar that focuses on the simulation of pyro in Houdini. The recording will tell you about building pyro simulations inside an object, building up sources and colliders,  placing file cache SOPs as explicit cache points for sources and resultant data, and more.  

Houdini provides so many different ways to build up networks that we must always KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid.

This webinar will focus on simplifying the simulation of Pyro in Houdini. The main topics covered will be:

  • Building Pyro Simulations inside an object 
  • Building up sources, colliders, pumps into a DOP Network SOP using VDB volumes 
  • Placing File Cache SOPs as explicit cache points for sources and resultant data 
  • ROP Network to automate results

These ideas can be used to simplify all the other solvers inside Houdini as well. KISS at work with no compromise for the task at hand.

KISS always places efforts on the initial setup and tools that support the easy construction and deployment of Pyro work. Building tools and workflows to keep FX TDs in the zone.

The first task will be to keep simulations contained to a single object. The network graph becomes easy to read with all inputs and outputs clearly defined. File Cache SOPs in the network as clear cache points are important. Shelf tools can still be used but most will be made redundant with this workflow.

Building pre-roll into simulations is important for production. A pre-roll of 100 frames and 4 digit padding on all cached files will be built into the workflow.

A ROP Network will be built to support the simulation in production to make repeated re-use of the network easier.

The HIP file itself can be the starting point for all future Pyro simulation set-ups or HDA’s can be used to provide an in-situ construction of Pyro simulations. All up to you and KISS should always be considered.


Make sure to check out more guide from SideFX here

Published 01 June 2018
Arti Sergeev
Business Head