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NVIDIA Guides: Ray Tracing Essentials

A new video series from the NVIDIA team.

NVIDIA recently published Ray Tracing Gems, a book that discusses best practices for real-time ray tracing. The book is free-to-download, so you can learn all about ray tracing. 

Want more? The team has also shared Ray Tracing Essentials, a seven-part video series hosted by the editor of Ray Tracing Gems, NVIDIA’s Eric Haines. The series explains various terms and concepts used in the field, and shows how you can use the technology. 

In the first part, NVIDIA's Eric Haines talks about the basics of ray and path tracing. You will start with a ray and learn how it can be used for different operations in computer graphics.

The second part runs through the basics of rasterization and ray tracing showing the difference.

Learn more about the series here

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