
Custom Combat System & Editor Tool For Combo Creation In UE5

A Reddit user baconn00 shared their WIP project.

Developed as a personal project, this combo graph lets users design intricate combat sequences with a designer-friendly editor and advanced mechanics to enhance player engagement. Although baconn00 has only shared this demo so far, it seems they plan to release the project on FAB once it's finished.

If you're interested in learning how to create something similar, the developer mentioned that they primarily built on what they learned from Naughty Dog games, referencing this talk as well as another one from a gameplay programmer at Naughty Dog.

Regarding the editor, baconn00 didn't find many resources on this topic, as most Unreal Engine 5 core and plug-ins with graph features are built on the same graph framework. The developer went through the source code to learn but warned that there's a lot of boilerplate code to work through.

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