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Xsolla Launches Xsolla Drops: Campaign-Based Tool for Boosting User Acquisition

Xsolla has introduced Xsolla Drops, a new campaign-based community engagement tool that enables game developers to expand their audience and retain players by partnering with influencers and offering exclusive in-game rewards.

Xsolla has unveiled Xsolla Drops, an innovative campaign-driven community engagement tool designed to boost user acquisition and improve engagement and retention rates through effective marketing support.

Xsolla Drops serves as an expansion to Xsolla Partner Network, enhancing the collaboration capabilities with influencers and facilitating seamless support for a wide range of digital items, such as virtual currencies, skins, NFTs, and game keys.

With Drops, developers and publishers can engage in fruitful collaborations with influencers, celebrities, and production companies to release and distribute various types of items to specific audiences, all while enhancing community engagement.

Additionally, Drops reintroduces the excitement of game discovery to players, offering them content curated exclusively for them that unlocks additional game experiences.

Drops offers a range of key features to enhance your campaign:

  • Custom landing pages: Each Drops campaign is accompanied by a dedicated landing page built by the Xsolla team, securely hosted on their B2C environment.
  • Flexible rewards: With Drops, developers and publishers can support various digital items, spanning from in-game cosmetics and top-ups to game keys and more.
  • Anti-fraud measures: Xsolla's fraud prevention and authentication system ensures that keys are protected from unauthorized resale.
  • Payouts: Xsolla takes care of the logistical aspects, including onboarding, verification, and timely payouts to influencers.
  • Analytics: Developers and publishers gain valuable insights into their Drops campaign performance through daily reports on engagement rates, conversion rates, and other relevant metrics.

You can learn more about Xsolla Drops here. Also, don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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