
Adorable Mickey Mouse Recreation Created Using Blender

Mohamed Chahin celebrated the expiration of Steamboat Willie's copyright with an amazing artwork.

Principled Motion Designer and Freelance Artist Mohamed Chahin has recently celebrated the expiration of Steamboat Willie's copyright by unveiling an adorable 3D turnable render of the legendary mouse created using Blender.

In case you missed the news, on January 1, 2024, as per the US copyright law, the earliest versions of Mickey and Minnie Mouse entered the public domain, allowing creators to freely share, reuse, and repurpose Steamboat Willie's renditions of the Mouse family without the looming threat of legal consequences from Disney. As expected, the expiration of the copyright has inspired numerous creators to incorporate the character into their games, movies, and artworks, with Mohamed joining this creative movement.

According to the author, his version of the character incorporates both the elements of the old Mickey and some features from the more modern shorts. In the future, Mohamed plans to take his creation to the next level by rigging and animating the model, establishing a complete 3D recreation of the iconic scene.

And here's the colored version of Mohamed's Mickey that features the familiar color scheme, which, by the way, is still protected by copyright. The author emphasized that he doesn't plan to sell the model or mislead people into believing that this is an official Disney product, meaning that the model remains fair use even in its colored rendition:

We highly encourage you to follow Mohamed on Twitter and LinkedIn so as not to miss any future updates.

Earlier today we also highlighted a 3D model of Steamboat Willie's Mickey Mouse created by Tram Drey using Blender. The model is available for download and can be accessed for free by clicking this link.

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