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Breakdown: Level Design in Annapurna's Neon White

Neon White's developers discussed the trials and tribulations of creating the game's Smackdown level.

A couple of days ago, Game Informer shared a brand-new interview, providing an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at level design in Neon White, a recently-released first-person shooter with neat movement mechanics, developed by Angel Matrix and published by Annapurna Interactive.

In this interview, Game/Level Designer Ben Esposito, Programmer Russell Honor, and Senior Level Designer/Environment Artist Carter Piccollo shared a comprehensive overview of Neon White's Smackdown level, discussing the production process behind it, underlining some of the most notable tweaks and changes Smackdown received over three years it's been in development, talking about the problems that were encountered during production, and more.

You can read the full interview here. Also, don't forget to join our Reddit page and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more. 

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