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Famous Paintings Reimagined With Geometry Nodes in Blender

Alex Martinelli revisited his 2022 hair simulation experiments.

Alex Martinelli, a Senior Data Scientist and Procedural Artist, has recently revisited his 2022 experiments with 3D hair simulation, demonstrating a new procedural hair system set up in Blender using the software's Geometry Nodes toolset.

Unlike the original system from a couple of years ago, which was made entirely from scratch, the latest iteration utilizes Blender's built-in hair modifiers that allow for more modularity and control out-of-the-box. Alex also praised the Interpolate and Clamping nodes and pointed out that there are zero faces in the scene thanks to Cycles curves rendering. Leveraging this new system, the artist has reimagined a couple of the world's most famous paintings, namely Mona Lisa and The Starry Night.

Previously, Alex wowed us with his Geometry Nodes-powered setup that enables one to create realistic-looking and highly customizable procedural crystals. You can learn more and download the setup by clicking this link.

See more of Alex's projects here and don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on InstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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