BLU1304 shared the work on her hair based on in-game references.
Natallia "BLU1304" Sudas is getting ready to fully present Shadowheart from Baldur's Gate 3 created using Unreal Engine 5 and its path tracing. Meanwhile, you can check out what's already done: the eye and hair shaders as well as the first pass on the hair, done following in-game references.
BLU1304 used textures from Symbiote Studio and Texturing XYZ for the project, with FlippedNormals' scleras, which were all then rendered in Unreal Engine. The hair was handled with Groomer's Tool for Maya.
This is not BLU1304's first BG3 character: check out this realistic version of Astarion if you haven't seen it yet.
You can also find K-PAX's Prot, portrayed by Kevin Spacey, Rey Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Margot Robbie, Keanu Reeves, True Detective's Rust Cohle, and Hermione Granger on the artist's Instagram and ArtStation pages.
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