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Rumor: DreamWorks Faces Massive Job Cuts

Reports say hundreds of artists are let go without severance packages.

Image credit: Universal Pictures | Kung Fu Panda 4

Layoffs might be a trend at the moment, but it doesn't mean it's not disheartening to see another company let go of its employees. This time, DreamWorks is reportedly laying off hundreds of artists, cutting departments in half.

One of the alleged workers claims that Universal Pictures, DreamWorks' parent company, has canceled a movie "so one crew's worth is getting let go plus the spots that are getting cut for outsourcing."

"Half of every department if not more is getting cut, these are all artist positions, no lead or sup is at risk except those who were recently promoted by their best friend who is also a lead or sup since they seem to only promote here by friendships and favoritism."

The wildest part is that the studio is not giving severance packages, according to the employee, and the union doesn't help. At the same time, DreamWorks wants the artists to finish the animated film The Wild Robot 3-5 weeks sooner because "the world loved the trailer."

Another Reddit user said that "50% of FX, 50% of lighting, 70% of matte painting" teams as well as "all the crowds artists" have been let go. 

Some people are blaming Universal for buying the company and now trying to cut costs. DreamWorks laid off 70 workers several months ago, so this seems like a continuation of the downsizing efforts. 

While I haven't found any official information yet, some artists are already looking for new jobs on LinkedIn, although it isn't necessarily connected to the case.

We're going to keep an eye on the situation. Meanwhile, join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on InstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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Comments 3

  • Anonymous user

    who have*


    Anonymous user

    ·4 months ago·
  • Anonymous user

    I have a friend who's employed in the FX department. Said this is all true, and gave him until June. Bummer all around.


    Anonymous user

    ·4 months ago·
  • Anonymous user

    thats where the woke nonsense leads you to. too bad the execs who has been pushing that crap into the projects won't fire themselves instead of artists


    Anonymous user

    ·4 months ago·

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