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The Witcher Remake Will Arrive After The Witcher 4

CD PROJEKT called the Sirius spinoff different from anything it's released so far.

CD PROJEKT has its hands full with all the different The Witcher games that are now in development, even though two of them are not made by the studio directly. During a recent financial conference, the company's CEO Adam Kiciński shared some more news about the upcoming remake codenamed Canis Majoris and the spinoff Sirius.

Kiciński said that we shouldn't expect the remake before The Witcher 4 (Polaris) is released: 

"[The remake] will come after Polaris, which is a consequence of how we think about this project. We think that [the] remake will be based in big part on technologies from Polaris. So, it will be developed partially parallel to Polaris, but once Polaris is launched, everything for Polaris will be then in the final shape and it will be, partially, produced in [the] remake.

As for Sirius, the spinoff in development by the Flame in the Flood studio The Molasses Flood, the CEO didn't specify any dates or the game's size only saying that it is different from anything the studio's released so far. We should hear more at "the right moment".

Whenever The Witcher remake is coming, we'll have to wait quite some time as previously, Kiciński said The Witcher 4 won't be coming in the next three years.

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