
Ubisoft is Ready to Sue Players For Harassing Assassin's Creed Shadows Developers

Reportedly, the studio has an entire team monitoring Twitter posts and YouTube videos.

Assassin's Creed Shadows, undoubtedly one of the most divisive and controversial video games in recent years, is set to launch in just three days, and the entire internet – both those looking forward to the game and those critical of what they've seen so far – is buzzing with anticipation, albeit for different reasons.

The game's developer, Ubisoft – whose disastrous 2024 is widely regarded as the worst year in its history and whose future might depend on the success of the new Assassin's Creed installment – is also gearing up for the release, reportedly enlisting a special team to shield Shadows' developers from the imminent wave of criticism by any means necessary, including taking legal action.


In an interview with the French media outlet BFMTV, a Ubisoft employee whose identity remained undisclosed revealed that the company has an "anti-online harassment plan" prepared for Shadows' release.

Reportedly, the company has a dedicated team on standby, monitoring networks such as Twitter, YouTube, and Reddit, and ready to act quickly in case of a targeted attack, offering psychological and legal support to employees who may be targeted. Apparently, Ubisoft is so concerned about backlash that it has even advised developers not to post on social media that they work at Ubisoft to avoid harassment.

Perhaps the most surprising detail, however, is the employee's claim that "lawyers are already prepared to file complaints in the event of confirmed harassment situations," and as is often the case with statements like this, the wording raises questions about what Ubisoft actually considers to be "harassment."

While any reasonable person agrees that threats of violence and similar behavior are unacceptable and should be dealt with accordingly, it's clear that some are worried Ubisoft might also classify harmless online trolling and criticism of Assassin's Creed Shadows and its creators as harassment and use the lawyers as an intimidation tactic, which would be equally unacceptable. It's important to note that, as of now, the existence of this team is based solely on a single anonymous source and has not been officially confirmed or denied by Ubisoft.

So, what are your thoughts on Ubisoft's new initiative to combat harassment? How do you think they will define "harassment"? Do you believe this approach will make a difference? Let us know what you think down in the comments!

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Comments 11

  • Meow Caustic Cat

    If my research is correct, it's cause anyone that's been reviewing or commented on playing the game on X has found their accounts were added to various creepy "lists" and are now being stalked online. Who these people are is hard to say - some are Americans, others are Japanese(or claim to be at least), and a few are Europeans. Most of them have incredibly racist and vitriolic things to say about Africans, others it's an Otaku-esque/Japan pride thing about "authenticity"(over a fictional game I'll add), while a few seem to honestly just be inciting distrust and hatred in which they may just be fake accounts with the intention of influencing people to say and do irrational things just out of peer pressure; "Monkey see, monkey do" sort of thing.

    Now, there's one person this seemingly ties back to, which some media sources have had the gall to name but I'm not really looking to get sued. It appears most of this individuals goals are simple - Tencent owns part of Ubisoft, and so by hurting Ubisoft they hurt Tencent.


    Meow Caustic Cat

    ·3 days ago·
  • Anonymous user

    To the drizzlets (Meow Caustic Cat is definitely one of them), how is it racist to want an actual JAPANESE main character in a game set in JAPAN? 😂🤣🤡 Who cares that the game is fictional?  They found the ONE black guy that (a) wasn't Japanese and (b) wasn't even a samurai to star in their samurai focused game. Even Origins made Bayek more Arab looking than Egyptian. I guess you clowns just want historically accurate architecture and not historically accurate portryals of the setting's people.  


    Anonymous user

    ·4 hours ago·
  • Anonymous user

    "It's important to note that, as of now, the existence of this team is based solely on a single anonymous source"

    ok so thanks for clarifying that your entire article is bunk. you saved it for the very end, but at least you did it.


    Anonymous user

    ·2 days ago·
  • Anonymous user

    ..awaiting moderation.. wondrous if my comment will fly..it's just truth..and that's poison to these lunatics..I see many such loons below, downvoting common sense.. clowns


    Anonymous user

    ·3 days ago·
  • Anonymous user

    Good luck with that! Japan is ready to take them to court for their blatant disrespect of Japan..there's too many examples to explain here, but ubislop are going to get in big trouble for this.. and good luck ! I'm super vocal about my disdain for for thos racist game..and I live in New Zealand! Lol


    Anonymous user

    ·3 days ago·
  • Anonymous user

    Good, people are just mad because they're making a black person a character... You can smell the racism from miles away


    Anonymous user

    ·3 days ago·
  • Anonymous user

    OC this is orchestrated by some entities the mob follow.
    Play the victims, invoke 'common sense' and the 'common people'.
    All the far rights playbook here.
    The little fascists that come for blood need a reality check yes that's what you are.


    Anonymous user

    ·3 days ago·
  • Anonymous user

    Sounds a lot like "our company is riding on this so we plan to shut down as much negativity as possible". Awful funny these game companies force feed force feed us buggy games with declining quality and take genuine criticism personally. I'm not saying that none of the so called harassment has ever taken place for any developer but modern day devs do a LOT of crying about harassment without EVER showing any receipts.


    Anonymous user

    ·3 days ago·
  • Anonymous user

    i see the trash has arrived early by some comments


    Anonymous user

    ·3 days ago·
  • Anonymous user

    Damn snowflakes can't even handle proper criticism, let alone the reality of their failure. Damage control is hard on these clowns.


    Anonymous user

    ·3 days ago·

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