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Valve Asks Players to Stop Sniffing Steam Deck

These are some dangerous memes.

Image credit: Dorota Szymczyk, Shutterstock

Vent sniffing is not a category on your favorite website, it's an actual thing that actually happens among the Steam Deck owners. There is a disconcerting number of posts on Reddit where people talk about smelling the exhaust vent of their device. At this point, this urge has become a meme, although I'm sure there are plenty of players who do it unironically (I know you're thinking about giving it a try, don't deny it.)

But all jokes aside, is it actually dangerous to smell the vent? Redditor Metapod100 asked Valve itself and received a predictable answer: no, you should not sniff exhaust fumes even if it's a meme and you really want to.

"As with all electronics, it is generally not recommended you inhale the exhaust fumes on your device. While there are no safety concerns with general usage, directly inhaling the device’s vent fumes should be avoided."

The support specialist added that they understand that it's a meme, but you should "refrain from this behavior for the safety of your health."

That might be a disappointing reply (though I doubt it will manage to dissuade anyone), but at least you know Valve's official standing on the matter. 

I don't have a Steam Deck, unfortunately, so I can't describe the scent to you, but now I'm slightly curious, and I bet there are others out there wondering what the device smells like, so Valve's answer might have a different effect from the one it expects.

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