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A New Anatomically-Correct Creature by Anupam Awasthi

The artist leveraged Ziva VFX once again to set up one more impeccable simulation.

3D Animator and Creature FX Technical Director at SPIN VFX Anupam Awasthi, who earlier this month impressed us with his incredible dinosaur and dog animations, continues the series of anatomically-accurate animal simulations with an amazing new specimen.

This time, the creator unveiled a highly-realistic Spanish Bull simulation, set up using Ziva VFX, a robust soft-tissue simulation plug-in for Maya developed by Ziva Dynamics and acquired by Unity last year alongside its developer. According to the author, the project simulates "muscleTissue and superficialFascia/subdermalFat simultaneously, as zTissue objects" and "epidermalSkin separately, as a zCloth object."

And here are some of Anupam's earlier works:

Recently, Anupam spoke to 80 Level about the simulations, explaining how they were made and detailing the Ziva VFX workflow. The interview is set to be released later today, so stay tuned. In the meantime, we highly encourage you to visit the artist's LinkedIn and ArtStation pages and the YouTube channel to check out more of his incredible works.

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