
Alan Wake 2 Still Struggles to Recoup Development & Marketing Costs

The community questions Remedy's publisher choice and the decision to go digital-only.

Image Credit: Remedy, Alan Wake 2

Despite Remedy's earlier statements regarding its launch and sales, as well as the numerous awards it received since its release, it seems that not everything is sunshine and rainbows for Alan Wake 2, as indicated by the developer's recently published financial report for Q1 2024.

According to the report, the sequel to the 2010 Alan Wake still hasn't recouped its development and marketing costs and has yet to generate any royalty revenue. Nevertheless, the team remains optimistic, pointing out that Alan Wake 2's sales remain at a high average price and planning to continue working on its planned DLC. Overall, the report shows that the first quarter of the year was a success for Remedy, with the studio reporting revenue of 10.8 million euros, a 56.2% year-on-year increase compared to Q1 2023.

Image Credit: Remedy, Alan Wake 2

After the account's publication, the community began to question why Alan Wake 2 still hadn't recouped its losses half a year after its launch, despite the positive reviews it received and numerous accolades it has won.

Some users criticized Remedy's choice of publisher and digital store on PC, arguing that launching the game exclusively on the Epic Games Store hurt its sales numbers. Others pointed to the cancellation of Alan Wake 2's physical release as the main reason, suggesting it may have caused many PS5 gamers to lose interest in the game. The truth, as usual, most likely lies somewhere in between, with EGS exclusivity, digital-only release, and other factors all contributing to the game's financial struggles.

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Comments 4

  • Anonymous user

    They were worried about the EGS being unpopular, but the focus on ESG has also hurt them. They need to improve gameplay, make the story better.

    I loved Control's gameplay, learn from that. Basically the only positive thing people have to say about it is that the story is good and it's pretty to look at, but that wears off fast. It wasn't interesting enough for me to even finish the game, that's not good when you want players to recommend it to their friends.


    Anonymous user

    ·10 months ago·
  • Anonymous user

    Heard it was woke, stayed away. Don't even care if it was or not. Not playing ball.


    Anonymous user

    ·10 months ago·
  • Anonymous user

    There is a whole reddit thread of people who refuse to have anything to do with the EGS. Exclusively hurts everyone and here's the evidence.


    Anonymous user

    ·10 months ago·
  • Anonymous user

    Personally I believe they went in an innovative route which made me lose interest quick I ended just watching YouTube cutscenes it wasn't as engaging as Alan Wake or Control the detectiveness seems fun majority but the genre changed slightly and original fans may have lost interest


    Anonymous user

    ·10 months ago·

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