
Create Great Games with This New Storytelling Tool

articy:draft X is the successor of the tool that helped create Broken Roads, The Talos Principle 2, Hogwarts Legacy, Disco Elysium, and more.

Articy Software has launched articy:draft X, the newest version of the articy:draft writing and narrative design software for easily creating engaging stories, which helped make Broken Roads, The Talos Principle 2, Hogwarts Legacy, Disco Elysium, Immortals of Aveum, and other popular games.

articy:draft X is a useful storytelling tool for game developers that has even more features than the previous versions. It offers a variety of tools for writing, planning, and content management in a visual environment and gives you the freedom to create your perfect story.

The new localization, voice-over, and export features and the ability to work with story branches should make the process as productive and fun as ever.

  • Localization: This feature brings toolsets to help you get your content localized either directly in-app or externally using a dedicated export-import function.
  • Voiceover Support: You can now easily manage, localize, and play voiceover files directly in articy:draft. 
  • Simulation Mode: The upgraded Simulation Mode now supports switching languages and automatic playback of attached voice-over sound files.
  • AI Extensions: The new AI extensions allow you to access third-party AI services in order to save time and use them directly within articy:draft X. You can craft AI-supported barks and dialogues, generate preview images, and use automatic DeepL translation directly in the app.
  • Generic Engine Export: This feature allows content to be exported to your own engine or to open-source engines. The Generic Engine Export can export assets together with JSON files.

articy:draft X can be used for free on Windows, with the macOS version in development. There are also paid subscriptions available.

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